Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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392 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTSorrel^ Mountain. -Oxyria digyna. Green*l<strong>and</strong> to Alaska, south to White Mts. of N. H. <strong>and</strong> inRocky Mts. to Colo. July-Sep.A pleasant addition to salads.Sorrel, Sheep. Rumux Acetosella. Dry fields<strong>and</strong> hillsides. Throughout the continent, except inextreme north. May-Sep,The leaves are very acid. Young shoots may beeaten as a salad. Also used as; a seasoning forsoups, etcThe European sorrels cultivated as salad plantsare R. Acetosa, R. scutatusj <strong>and</strong> sometimes R.Patientia.Sorrell, White Wood. Oxalis Acetosella.Cold, damp woods.Nova Scotia to Manitoba, mts.of N. C, <strong>and</strong> north shore of Lake Superior.MayJuly.Not related to the above. "The pleasant acidtaste of the leaves, when mixed with salads, impartsan agreeable, refreshing flavor." The freshplant, or a "lemonade" made from it, is very usefulin scurvy, <strong>and</strong> makes a cooling drink for fevers.Should be used in moderation, as it contains binoxalateof potash, which is poisonous. Yields the druggist's"salt of lemons."Storksbill. Pin-clover. Erodium cicutarium.Waste places <strong>and</strong> fields. Locally in the east, abundantin the west. April-Sep. Naturalized.The 5^oung plant is gathered by western Indians<strong>and</strong> eatenraw or cooked.Strawberry Bute. Blitum capitatum (Chenopodiumc). Dry soil. Nova Scotia to Alaska,south to N. J., 111., Colo., Utah, Nev. June-Aug.Sometimes cultivated for greens. Used like spinach.Trillium. Wake-robin. Beth-root. Trilliumerectum; also T. undulatum <strong>and</strong> T. gr<strong>and</strong>iflorum.Woods. Nova Scotia to Minn., <strong>and</strong> south to Fla.April-June.The popular notion that these plants are poisonousis incorrect. They make good greens when

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