Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER VITYPES OF LIGHT TENTSLocal conditions, means of transportation, <strong>and</strong> sizeof party, are to be considered in choosing among themany tent models that have been designed for camperswho travel light. All depends on where you go,when you go, how you go, <strong>and</strong> what you want to do.The perfect all-round tent is a myth, like the perfectall-round gun. Of one thing, though, be sure: thatwhatever rig you choose shall be stanch againstwind. The utmost pinnacle of <strong>com</strong>fort is reachedwhen one lies at night under canvas, with a stormroaring toward him through the forest, <strong>and</strong> chortlesover the certainty that no wind can blow his tentdown. And it takes just one second of parting guys<strong>and</strong> ripping cloth to tumble him off his perch <strong>and</strong>cast him headlong into the very depths of woe.Light Wall Tents.— A wall tent is the favoritecloth shelter of soldiers, engineers, explorers, naturalists,trappers, loggers, <strong>and</strong> other practical menwho live away from civilization a great deal of thetime. For one thing, it gives the most head-roomfor a given amount of material ; <strong>and</strong> that counts,especially in continuous bad weather, or when one<strong>com</strong>es in wet all over <strong>and</strong> wants to hang up hisclothes to dry. It is the best form of tent if a stoveis carried ; <strong>and</strong> that may be necessary in a thinlywooded country, late in the season. The verticalends permit large ventilators or windows that maybe kept open in almost any weather. There is nowaste space, as in tents without walls.Wall tents for flying camps should be muchlighter, of course, than those mentioned in Chapter'76

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