Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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384 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTCress^ Winter. Scurvy Grass. Barharea prae^cox. Waste places, naturalized. Southern N. Y.,Pa., <strong>and</strong> southward. Apr.-June,Highly esteemed as a winter salad <strong>and</strong> pot-h,erb;sometimes cultivated.Crinkle-Root. Two-leaved Toothwort. Dentariadiphylla. Rich woods <strong>and</strong> meadows. NovaScotia to Minn., south to S. Car. <strong>and</strong> Ky. May,The rootstocks are crisp <strong>and</strong> fleshy, with a spicyflavor like watercress. Eaten with salt, like celery.Crowfoot^ Celery-Leaved or Ditch. Ranunculussceleratus. Swamps <strong>and</strong> wet ditches, NewBrunsw. to Fla., abundant along the coast, <strong>and</strong> locallywestward to Minn. Apr.-Aug.Porcher cites this as a good example of the destructionof acrid <strong>and</strong> poisonous juices by heating.The fresh juice is so caustic that it will raise ablister, <strong>and</strong> two drops taken internally may excitefatal inflammation. Yet the boiled or baked root,he says, is edible. When cleansed, scraped <strong>and</strong>pounded, <strong>and</strong> the pulp soaked in a considerablequantity of water, a white sediment is deposited,which, when washed <strong>and</strong> dried, is a real starch.Cuckoo-Flower. Meadow Bitter-cress. Cardaminepratensis. Wet meadows <strong>and</strong> swamps. Labradorto northern N. J., west to Minn, <strong>and</strong> B. C.Apr.-May.Has a pungent savor <strong>and</strong> is used like water cress;occasionally cultivated as a salad plant.D<strong>and</strong>elion. Taraxacum Taraxacum {T. Officinale).Fields <strong>and</strong> waste places everywhere; naturalized.Jan.-Dec.Common pot-herb ; also blanched for salad. Inboiling,change the water two or three times.DocK^ Curled. Rumex Crispus. Fields <strong>and</strong>waste places, everywhere; naturalized. June-Aug.The young leaves make good pot-herbs. Theplant produces an abundance of seeds, which Indiansgrind into flnur for bread or mush.Ffrns. Many species.The young stems of ferns, gathered before they

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