Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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382 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT(P. perennis). Thickets. Canada to Fl?.., westto Minn., Neb., La. July-Sep.Was used as food by the Indians; the Apaches eatit either green or dried.Bellwort. Uviilaria perfoliata. Moist woods<strong>and</strong> thickets. Quebec <strong>and</strong> Ont. to Fla. <strong>and</strong> Miss.May-June."The roots of this <strong>and</strong> other species of Uvulariaare edible when cooked, <strong>and</strong> the young shoots are agood substitute for asparagus." (Porcher.)Brooklime^ American. Veronica Americana,Brooks <strong>and</strong> swamps. Anticosti to Alaska, south toPa., Neb., N. Mex., Cal. Apr-Sep.''A salad plant equal to the watercress. Delightfulin flavor, healthful, anti-scorbutic." {Sci. Amer.)Burdock, Great. Cockle-bur. Arctium Lappa,Waste places. New Brunsw. to southern N. Y.,<strong>and</strong> locally in the interior. Not nearly so widelydistributed as the smaller <strong>com</strong>mon burdock (A,minus). July-Oct.A naturalized weed, so rank in appearance <strong>and</strong>odor that nothing but stark necessity could havedriven people to experiment with it as a vegetable.Yet, like the skunk cabbage, it is capable of beingturned to good account. In spring, the tendershoots, when peeled, can be eaten raw like radishes,or, with vinegar, can be used as a salad.The stalkscut before the flowers open, <strong>and</strong> stripped of theirrind, form a delicate vegetable when boiled, similarin flavor to asparagus. The raw root has medicinalproperties, but the Japanese eat the cooked root, preparingit as follows: The skin is scraped or peeledoff, <strong>and</strong> the roots sliced in long strips, or cut intopieces about two inches long", <strong>and</strong> boiled with salt<strong>and</strong> pepper, or with soy, to impart flavor; or theboiled root is mashed, made into cakes, <strong>and</strong> friedlike oyster plant.Charlock. Wild Mustard. Brassica arvensis(B. Sinapistrum) . Fields <strong>and</strong> waste places. Naturalizedeverj^where. May-Nov.Extensively used as a pot-herb; aids digestion*

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