Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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EDIBLE PLANTS 375They areof this plant, which are acrid when raw.taken up in spring when the leaves <strong>com</strong>e forth, areextremely well washed, <strong>and</strong> then dried. The fibrousparts are removed, <strong>and</strong> the remainder driedin an oven. This is then bruised <strong>and</strong> chopped intopieces as small as peas or oatmeal, <strong>and</strong> then ground.The meal is boiled slowly, <strong>and</strong> continually stirredlike mush. It is then left st<strong>and</strong>ing for three or fourdays, when the acridity disappears." (Lankester.)Broom-Rape^ Louisiana. Orobanche Ludoviciana{Aphyllon L.). S<strong>and</strong>y soil. 111. to Manitoba,south to Texas, Ariz., Cal. June-Aug."All the plant except the bloom grows underground, <strong>and</strong> consequently nearly all is very white<strong>and</strong> succulent. The Pah Utes consume great numbersof them in summer. . . .Being succulentthey answer for food <strong>and</strong> drink on these s<strong>and</strong>y plains,<strong>and</strong>, indeed, are often called s<strong>and</strong>-food." (Palmer.)Bulrush^ Great. Mat-rush. Tule-root. Scirpuslacustris. Ponds <strong>and</strong> swamps. ThroughoutNorth America: also in Old World. June-Sep.Roots resemble artichokes, but are much larger.Eaten raw, they prevent thirst <strong>and</strong> afford nourishment.Flour made from the dried root is w^hite,sweet <strong>and</strong> nutritious. A great favorite withthe western Indians, who pound the roots <strong>and</strong> makebread of them. When the fresh roots are bruised,mixed with water, <strong>and</strong> boiled, they afford a goodsirup.Camass^ Eastern. Wild Hyacinth. Quamasiahyacyiithia {Camassia Fraseri). In meadows <strong>and</strong>along streams. Pa. to Minn., south to Ala. <strong>and</strong>Texas. Apr.-May.Root is very 'nutritious, wath an agreeable mucilaginoustaste.Golden Club. Orontium aquatkum. Swamps<strong>and</strong> ponds. Mass. to Pa., south to Fla. <strong>and</strong> La.,mostlv near coast. Apr.-May.The Taw-kee of coast Indians who liked thedried seeds when cooked like peas. The_ raw rootis acrid, but be<strong>com</strong>es edible when cooked like arrowarum

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