Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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374 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTAll nuts are more digestible when roasted thanwhen eaten raw.Arrowhead^ Broad-leaved. Swan or SwampPotato. Sagittaria latifolia {S. variabilis). Inshallow water; ditches. Throughout North America,except extreme north, to Mexico. July-Sep.Tuberous roots as large as hens' eggs, were animportant article of food among Indians. Rootsbitter when raw, but rendered sweet <strong>and</strong> palatableby boiling. Excellent when cooked with meat.Indians gather them by wading <strong>and</strong> loosening rootswith their feet, when the tubers float up <strong>and</strong> aregathered. Leaves acrid.Arum, Green Arrow. Pelt<strong>and</strong>ra Virginica(P.undulata. Arum Virginiciim) . Swamp or shallowwater. Me. <strong>and</strong> Ont. to Mich., south to Fla, <strong>and</strong>La. May-June.Rootstock used by eastern Indians for food, underthe name of Taw-ho. Roots very large; acridwhen fresh. The method of cooking this root, <strong>and</strong>that of the Golden Club, is thus described by CaptainJohn Smith in his Historic of Virginia (1624),p. 87 : "The chiefe root they haue for food is calledTockawhoughe. It groweth like a flagge in Marishes.In one day a Salvage will gather sufficient for aweek.These roots are much of the greatnesse <strong>and</strong>taste of Potatoes. They vse to cover a great manyof them with Oke leaues <strong>and</strong> Feme, <strong>and</strong> then coverall with earth in the manner of a Cole-pit [charcoalpit] ; over it, on each side, they continue a greatfire 24 houres before they dare eat it. Raw it isno better than poyson, <strong>and</strong> being roasted, exceptit be tender <strong>and</strong> the heat abated, or sliced <strong>and</strong> dryedin the Sunne, mixed with sorrell <strong>and</strong> meale or suchlike, it will prickle <strong>and</strong> torment the throat extreamely,<strong>and</strong> yet in sommer they vse this ordinarilyfor bread."Arum, Water. Wild Calla. Calla paUustris.Cold bogs. Nova Scotia to Minn., south to Va.,Wis., Iowa. May-June."Missen bread is made in Lapl<strong>and</strong> from roots

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