Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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364 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTthus expose the hoard, being careful not to "bleed"the <strong>com</strong>b. The bees will now stop fighting <strong>and</strong>will bend every energy to the work of carryingaway all of the honey that they can, storing it insome hastily chosen retreat. You now may helpyourself without fear of renewed attack.Backwoodsmen, when they have no sulphur, usea smudge of punky wood, the acrid smoke of whichsuffocates the bees or renders them helpless for thetime. They take the punk from a log or stumpthat is rotten enough to break easily in the h<strong>and</strong>s<strong>and</strong> dry it near the fire. It will not blaze, butneither will it go out. It burns slowly <strong>and</strong> willgive out a dense smoke for several hours. Ofcourse, it kills many bees, <strong>and</strong> such a method shouldnever be employed except in the far-back wildernesswhen there is downright need of somethingto take the place of sugar. Woodsmen who haveno mosquito netting sometimes smear themselveswith tobacco juice, or with water in which tobaccostems have been steeped, to protect them againststings. In any case they take chances boldly. Beesrespect courage, but are quick to detect a wincingtimidity <strong>and</strong> give it its deserts.If, in spite of precautions, you are stung, applysome honey to the spot. Wet clay, oil of sassafras,ammonia, or onion juice, will relieve the pain <strong>and</strong>swelling; but honey is at h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> it is about asgood a remedy as any.If you wish to capture the bees themselves, fixthe brood<strong>com</strong>bs (those containing pollen or "beebread")the right distance apart in a bucket orbasket, <strong>and</strong> set this to one side. The bees willcollect about them, after their panic is over, <strong>and</strong>the next evening, when darkness begins to fall,they may be carried home. There are betterways, described in bee-keeping books, but they callfor special appliances.Honey.—^The amount of honey in a tree mayvary from almost nothing- to 100 pounds or more.There is record of 264 pounds being taken from

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