Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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362 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTcause it was deep in the cranny of a big rock ledgethat overhung the public road.Occasionally a hive is found in a fallen treeor in an old stump, but this is exceptional. Beeshave trouble enough, as it is, from squirrels, 'coons,bears, <strong>and</strong> other climbing marauders, to say nothingof men.In searching, it is well to remember that beetreesseldom are found far from water.Back-tracking.—If the bees that you liberatefinally turn back on the course, or if they do notreturn to the bait, it shows that you have passedthe hive <strong>and</strong> must "back-track." Then make twost<strong>and</strong>s close together, only 50 to 100 yards apart,Iming them carefully. You may now have twosquads of bees flying from opposite directions intothe tree. If this fails, take a st<strong>and</strong> 50 yards offto one side (the distance depends upon how thickthe woods are), <strong>and</strong> examine every tree in theneighborhood with keen scrutiny. Pour out aliberal amount of feed, so as to get a large numberof bees at work. If still you do not find thebee-tree, try again in this place a day of two later,or whenever the weather is favorable.Marking the Tree.—In settled regions,where statute-law prevails, a hive of bees in atree belongs to the owner of the soil, unless a formerowner proves <strong>and</strong> reclaims them. In the wilderness,by law of the woods, ownership is to the first<strong>com</strong>er who makes a blaze on the bark <strong>and</strong> cuts orpencils his initials on it. Anyone else meddling withthe treasure, unless it be claimed in time by theowner of the l<strong>and</strong> himself, is a trespasser, like theinterloper who sets traps along another trapper'sline.Having found a bee-tree, <strong>and</strong> marked it, then,unless you are very well acquainted with the woods,mark your trail outward with bush-signs; otherwiseyou may easily miss it on j^our return.Robbing the Hive.—Now you are ready todeclare war. Men who have had much experience

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