Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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BEE HUNTING 359Choose an open glade or hillside, or an old field,or a fire-burnt waste where weeds <strong>and</strong> vines havesprung up, but free from leafy trees <strong>and</strong> shrubs, sothat you can see for a considerable distance allaround.If bees are working here, put a little of yourhoney bait in the feeding tray of your box, cautiouslyset the box over the first bee that you find on aflower, <strong>and</strong> close the bottom with your h<strong>and</strong>. Thebee will buzz up against the glass, <strong>and</strong> then soonwill seek the honey. Now set the box on a stumpor other elevation In the midst of a clear space.As stumps are not always to be found where wanted,some bee hunters carry with them a staff pointed atone end <strong>and</strong> with a bit of shingle tacked to the otherend to serve as a platform for the box.As soon as the bee is hard at work on the hone}'',approach quickly <strong>and</strong> withdraw the glass slide. Dusthim slightly with flour, or put a bit of paint on hisback just large enough to be noticeable, so you canidentify him when he returns. Then withdraw toone side, get into a <strong>com</strong>fortable reclining position,<strong>and</strong>, if you have an opera glass, get it ready foraction.When the bee has gorged himself he will risefrom the bait in half-circles <strong>and</strong> sudden dodges,generally to one side of the bait, returning towardit, <strong>and</strong> oscillating back again. He is getting hisbearings.Now he mounts higher <strong>and</strong> higher in anincreasing spiral. Then, so suddenly that it takesgood eyes or a glass to follow him, he darts off forhome. Watch him as far as you can, <strong>and</strong> notethe direction of his flight. He will not go throughwoods, but over them. If he flies toward a farmhouse,pay no further attention to him, for he Isa tame bee. In that case, go somewhere else <strong>and</strong>begin anew. But If he goes to the big woods, lookat your watch <strong>and</strong> time his absence. You willknow him when he returns by the mark that vouhave put on him.

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