Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CAVE EXPLORATION 353rial product of caves, up to date, Is the so-called*' Mexican Onyx," which is a fine-grained, translucent,<strong>and</strong> beautifully colored variety of dripstone.Occasionally the "cave pearls" found in shallowpools, where they have been polished by attrition,have been set as gems. In olden times nearly allthe niter used by our forefathers in making gun^powder was procured from caverns. Guano, ochre,<strong>and</strong> the sulphates of soda <strong>and</strong> of magnesia arefound in caves. The chance of discovering mineralveins is lessened by the incrustation of dripstone thatcoats the walls; there is no "bloom" to attract theeye.The animal life of caverns is peculiar. It includestransparent fish, white crayfish, cave lizards,white mice <strong>and</strong> rats, cave crickets, <strong>and</strong> minor species—all blind, <strong>and</strong> some of them quite eyeless—besidesthe usual colonies of bats. Snakes are nevermet inside of caverns, but sometimes may be encounteredin sink-holes, or in the "rock-houses" previouslymentioned.Digging in the floors of caves for relics of prehistoricman has long been a favorite branch ofscience in Europe, but <strong>com</strong>paratively little of thi^work has been done in America. Sometimes humanskeletons of our own era are found encased in thedripstone, as at Luray, at Mammoth Cave, In theAdelsberg, <strong>and</strong> in the Cave of MelidonI, wherethe remains of three hundred Cretans, who were-smoked to death by the Turks in 1822, are graduallydisappearing in a stony shroud.

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