Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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72 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTcoin a terrr.) of Japanese silk, in wedge shape,6 X 5 X 4 ft. 6 in. high, that weighs under I2 ounces;<strong>and</strong> it is a practical little affair of its kind. Of oneof these he reports: "It has stood some of theheaviest rains, in fact records for thirty hours at astretch, without letting in wet, <strong>and</strong> I say this of anli-oz. silk one."Waterproofing Cloth at Home.— If one hashome facilities, there is no reason why he should notmake a good job of waterproofing for himself.Paraffine Process.— The cheapest, simplest, <strong>and</strong>, insome respects, the most satisfactory way is to get a cakeor two of paraffine or cerasine, lay the tent on a tablerub the outer side with the wax until it has a good coatingevenly distributed, then iron the cloth with a mediumhotflatiron, which melts the wax <strong>and</strong> runs it into everypore of the cloth. The more closely woven the cloth, theless wax <strong>and</strong> less total weight.Some prefer to treat the tent with a solution of paraffine.In this case, cut the wax into shavings so it will dissolvereadily. Put 2 lbs. of the wax in 2 gallons of turpentine(for a 7x9 tent or thereabouts). Place the vesselin a tub of hot water until solution is <strong>com</strong>pleted.Meantime set up the tent true <strong>and</strong> taut. Then paint itwith the hot solution, working rapidly, <strong>and</strong> using a stiffbrush. Do this on a sunny morning <strong>and</strong> let tent st<strong>and</strong>until quite dry. The turpentine adds a certain elasticityto the wax; benzine does not.For tents to be used in cold weather before anopen fire, the following process is better:Alum <strong>and</strong> Sugar of Lead.— First soak the tent overnightin water to rid it of sizing, <strong>and</strong> hang up to dry.Then get enough soft water to make the solutions (rainwateris best; some city waters will do, others are toohard). Have two tubs or wash-boilers big enough forthe purpose. In one, dissolve alum in hot soft water,in the proportion of 34 Jt). to the gallon. In the other,with the same amount of hot water, dissolve sugar oflead (lead acetate — a poison) in the same proportion.T.et the solutions st<strong>and</strong> until clear; then add the sugarof lead solution to the alum liquor. Let st<strong>and</strong> about fourhours, or until all the lead sulphate has precipitated.Then pour off the clear liquor from the dregs into theother tub, thoroughly work the tent in it with the h<strong>and</strong>s

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