Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CAVE EXPLORATION 341to explore a cavern until he has learned how theseunderground passages are formed. To go ignorantlyinto such places is to lose most of their interestingfeatures <strong>and</strong> to court disaster.It is a <strong>com</strong>mon error to imagine that our cavernshave been caused by earthquakes or by volcanicforces. An earthquake may crack great cre\ icesin the crust of the earth, as at New Madrid, in181 1, <strong>and</strong> at Charleston, in 1886, but these arevery narrow in proportion to their length <strong>and</strong>depth. It never forms vaulted chambers or smoothlyrounded passages.More numerous are the rifts <strong>and</strong> chasms left by"faults" in the rock where strata have been foldedin the slow shrinkage of mountain-building <strong>and</strong> thenhave been pulled apart by a subsidence. These, too,are only narrow fissures, <strong>and</strong> not caves at all.A volcano may form a sort of cave with its lavawhen the fluid mass underneath flows away <strong>and</strong>leaves an arch of its hardened crust in place. Suchaction is never found save in volcanic countries.Hot springs or geysers bore channels of escapefrom their deep reservoirs to the surface. Wherethe rock is soluble they may eat out large chambers,but they do not excavate lateral galleries.There is a class of horizontal caves in the facesof cliffs, very <strong>com</strong>mon in the Appalachians <strong>and</strong> inthe Southwest, that are called "rock houses." Thesealways are shallow enough to admit daylightthroughout their interiors, <strong>and</strong> they are dry. Theirorigin is evident. Where an exposed stratum ofvery soft rock underlies one of hard <strong>and</strong> imperviousmaterial, on the face of a cliff, the soft stone absorbswater, <strong>and</strong> when this freezes it -is cracked off<strong>and</strong> disintegrated. The debris is whirled aroundby the winds <strong>and</strong> helps to grind out a "room" underthe hard ledge that projects likea porch roof over>.head. Such places often are used for shelter bjman <strong>and</strong> beast. They are the "robber caves" <strong>and</strong>"bear dens" of song <strong>and</strong> storj^ but true cavernsthey are not.

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