Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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330 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTa little finer than the file, In the palm of the righth<strong>and</strong>; then, grasping the horn with the left h<strong>and</strong>,twist it around <strong>and</strong> around from end to end, occasionallyrubbing it lengthwise. Continue thisprocess with finer g'rades of s<strong>and</strong>paper till thevery finest has been used <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>plete the polishingwith pumice or rotten stone <strong>and</strong> water. Thenget from any dealer in musical Instruments an Eflat or cornet mouthpiece, fit It perfectly, drive itin tightly <strong>and</strong> your horn is <strong>com</strong>plete. Or, take thesmall end of another horn, or the piece sawed off,<strong>and</strong> with a sharp <strong>and</strong> round-pointed pocket-knifework out a conical cavity at the large end, <strong>and</strong>Hjake a hole through the small end for the stem.Work off the outside, shaping It in the form of acone the sides of which are concaved near the base<strong>and</strong> convexed toward the stem. This shape willlook well, <strong>and</strong> the top will be thick enough to resteasily against the lips. The hole should be aboutthe size of a rye straw. The shape of the mouthpiece<strong>and</strong> the size of the hole—provided it be largeenough—do not materially affect the horn. Thestem of the mouthpiece should be ^ to i inchlong. If shorter, the sound will be too harsh; iflonger, too soft <strong>and</strong> not far-sounding. Long hornspioduce flat sounds, shorter ones sharp sounds. Agood horn may be heard three to three <strong>and</strong> a halfmiles. The best horns have a double curve (crooksin two directions), gradually tapering from buttto tip, highly colored, or with black or dark points.A part of the butt must always be removed, as itis thin <strong>and</strong> brittle.Gun Oil.— It is easy to make excellent gun-oil from the fat of almost any animal. Never usea vegetable oil on a firearm—it Is sure to gum.Rattlesnake oil has more body than almost any otheranimal oil ; but that of woodchucks, squirrels, 'coons,€tc., is good. A fine oil can also be made fromthe fat of the ruffed grouse, or from the marrowof a deer's leg bones. Put the fat on a board <strong>and</strong>

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