Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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TANNING SKINS 329the base the better, so that the cup will not be tall<strong>and</strong> "tippy." Trim the butt end smooth <strong>and</strong> evenfor the bottom of the cup; then, back from this,at a distance equal to the proposed height of thecup, saw through the greater part of the horn,as shown in Pig 186, but leave enough of thetop for a h<strong>and</strong>le, the latter strip being about 6inches long <strong>and</strong> ^-inch wide. Scrape the h<strong>and</strong>legradually down to yg-inch thickness at the end.Then soak the h<strong>and</strong>le in a strong boiling solutionof lime until it is soft, bend it backward arounda stick <strong>and</strong> bind the end fast to base of h<strong>and</strong>leat top, until it has cooled <strong>and</strong> hardened ; then fita w^ooden bottom in it, <strong>and</strong> tack <strong>and</strong> lute it inplace. A good cement or lute for the purpose iseither No. 4 or No. 5, among the ~ecipes givenabove. Before putting in the bottom, scrape <strong>and</strong>s<strong>and</strong>paper the cup inside <strong>and</strong> out. The cup can beornamented with scrimshaw carvings, like someof the revolutionary powder horns you see inmuseums.A Huntsman's Horn.—The following descriptionof how to make a huntsman's horn iscondensed from one given a good many years agoby D. M. Morris: Select a cow's horn 14 to 16inches long, although 12 inches will do. With alimber stick determine how far the hollow extends<strong>and</strong> saw off the tip about an inch above thatpoint. With a gimlet bore down to the hollow,taking care to hit it fairly. Ream out the holefrom J4 to 5-16-inch diameter. Dress the horndown with a half-round file but do not scrape it.Be careful to get a fair <strong>and</strong> even surface. To avoidw^orking the horn too thin, press the thumb ondoubtful places to see if there Is any spring. Workdown the neck as much as it will safely bear. Abrass ferrule should now be fitted tightly aroundthe neck to prevent the stem of the mouthpiecefrom splitting it. Now, to polish the horn: takea piece of s<strong>and</strong>paper 2 or 3 inches square, <strong>and</strong>

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