Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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TANNING SKINS 323skin unless you soak it thoroughly In an alkalinesolution after taking It from the pickle.4. Washing.—In fact, any skin tanned with anacid should be neutralized with alkali so that nofree acid is left in it to cause deterioration. Firstput the skin on a beam <strong>and</strong> go over the flesh sidewith a scraper to press out all the surplus liquidthat you can. Then soak it an hour or so in a solutionof <strong>com</strong>mon washing soda (about a h<strong>and</strong>ful to apail of lukewarm water). Rinse in clear water.Many pelts have been spoiled by omitting this partof the program, <strong>and</strong> thus the acid tanning has gottenin some quarters, a bad name.5. Softening.—After washing the skin, hang itspread out on a line or frame until half dry. Thenwork it back <strong>and</strong> forth (flesh side down, of course)over the edge of a plank or a square bar of iron,<strong>and</strong>pull <strong>and</strong> stretch It in every direction with the h<strong>and</strong>s,until it is white, dry, <strong>and</strong> supple all over. Theobject is to loosen up the fibers everywhere so thatthey do not shrink, stick together, <strong>and</strong> dry hard <strong>and</strong>stiff. An amateur is more likely to fail here thanin any other part of the tanning operation ; for itis hard work, <strong>and</strong> he may not stick to it longenough to ensure a good job.If still there are hard spots on the skin, moistenthem with the pickling liquor <strong>and</strong> keep them so untilsoftened. A good way is to cover such spots withsawdust wet with all the liquor it will take up.A final finish can be put on by rubbing withs<strong>and</strong>paper or pumice stone.Then rub Into the flesh side a mixture of equalparts of tallow <strong>and</strong> neat's foot oil, or some butter,or lard, or vaseline, or (sparingly) with plain oilor viscol. Do not use a vegetable oil. To removeany surplus, so that the skin may not be left g/easy,rub hot corn meal or sawdust over it.Finally, <strong>com</strong>b out the fur, <strong>and</strong> the pelt Is readyfor making up Into a rug or garment.There are many other ways of "mineral tanning'*

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