Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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;PELTS, BUCKSKIN, RAWHIDE 319the same or similar twisting motion, <strong>and</strong> by pulling,the fiber can be extended to a reasonablelength. [Dried sinews may readily be shredded bywetting, <strong>and</strong>, if necessary, by gentle hammering.]Cords or small ropes are made by twisting manyfibers together between two forked sticks fastenedin the ground, <strong>and</strong>, during the process, rubbingwith thin skins of the elk or deer to soften themthe largest cord I have seen made in this mannerwas one-fourth of an inch in diameter. To prepareit for sewing, the sinew is wet, <strong>and</strong>, at theneedle end, rolled on the knee with the palm ofthe h<strong>and</strong> to a fine, hard point, like that of a shoemaker'sbristle. As suggested, the sinews are madesufficiently fine for use in fixing the guiding feathers,<strong>and</strong> fastening the iron or flint heads of arrows,<strong>and</strong> in wrapping of clubs, etc. Formerly the awlused in sewing was of bone taken from the leg ofthe eagle ; this has been displaced by the <strong>com</strong>monsailor's needle ; the overstitch is that most <strong>com</strong>monlyemployed in aboriginal sewing."To join two slippery str<strong>and</strong>s of sinew, lay theirends side by side, as in Fig. 108, <strong>and</strong> then withthis double str<strong>and</strong> tie a figure-of-eight knot (Fig.loi).Parchment.—It may sometime happen that onewishes to prepare a sheet of parchment on whichto write an important document; this can be donein the wilderness, if one can kill some animal thathas a gall-bladder. Make the parchment like ordinaryrawhide, from the thin skin of a medium-sizedanimal, say a fawn or a wildcat.Rub it down withThen geta flat piece of s<strong>and</strong>stone or pumice-stone.a smooth, water-worn pebble <strong>and</strong> with it rub everypart of one surface, (hair side) of the skin, makingit firm <strong>and</strong> smooth. Then give this a coat of galldiluted with water.The old-fashioned way of making ox-gall was asox <strong>and</strong> afterfollows: take the gall of a newly killedhaving allowed it to settle twelve or fifteen hours

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