Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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3i8CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTof each; firmly lash each end of the gut to one ofthese notched ends. By alternately twisting these<strong>and</strong> fixing them in the saw-cuts, to prevent theirrunning back, the gut may be evenly <strong>and</strong> smoothlytwisted like a single-str<strong>and</strong> cord. Let it dry <strong>and</strong>then rub it smooth with a woolen rag <strong>and</strong> a littlegrease.Membranes.—Bladders only need cleaning, inflationwith air <strong>and</strong> drying to preserve them. Theymay then be made pliable by oiling. The paunchesof animals, after cleaning, can be exp<strong>and</strong>ed withgrass until dried. Such receptacles have many usesin wilderness camps, where bottles <strong>and</strong> cans areunobtainable; for example, to hold bear's oil, wildhoney, <strong>and</strong> other fluid or semi-fluid substances.Sinew.—A very strong, pliable <strong>and</strong> durable sew^;ng thread is made from sinew. It splits into eventhreads, is easy to work with when damp, <strong>and</strong>, ondrying, it shrinks tightly <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>es almost ashard as horn; hence it is better material than anyvegetable fiber for certain kinds of sewing, particularlyin sewing leather or buckskin, <strong>and</strong> for bindingtogether any two parts, such as a tool <strong>and</strong> itsh<strong>and</strong>le, where the former has no eye. For bowstrings<strong>and</strong> heavy sewing, the Indians preferred thesinews of the buffalo or the moose, <strong>and</strong> then theelk, these being coarse in texture; for finer workthey chose those of the deer, antelope, <strong>and</strong> bighorn.The sinew of the panther or miountain-lion wasesteemed as the finest <strong>and</strong> most durable. The ligamentsthat extend from the head backwards alongeach side of the spinal process were preferred tothose of the legs.The aboriginal method of preparing <strong>and</strong> usingsinew is thus described by Isham G. Allen: "Thesinew is prepared for use by first removing all adheringflesh with the back of a knife; it is thenstretched on a board or lodge-pole <strong>and</strong> left to dryfor an hour or so, preparatory to the separation ofthe fibers or threads by twisting in the h<strong>and</strong>s. By

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