Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PELTS, BUCKSKIN, RAWHIDE 317small ones If four-str<strong>and</strong>ed. Having removed thehair, stake the hides out on level ground, keepingthem well stretched <strong>and</strong> constantly wetted so asnot to harden; keep them pegged out two days.Cut up the hide In the manner of laces, the widthof the strip not exceeding one-half inch; wet eachstrip, when cut, <strong>and</strong> wrap it around a stick; thenfasten the strips to a tree <strong>and</strong> plait them to a uniformcircumference <strong>and</strong> tightness of twist. Keepthe str<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> plaited portion wet; a Mexicanfills his mouth with water which he squirts overthe work <strong>and</strong> materials. When the rope Is finished,stretch It thoroughly, <strong>and</strong> then grease it. To preserveIts pliability, keep It continually greased.Catgut.—The catgut of <strong>com</strong>merce Is never madefrom cats, any more than chamois skin Is made fromchamois; but It can be made from the Intestines ofalmost any good-sized animal. Thoroughly cleansethe intestine from all Impurities, inside <strong>and</strong> out ;thisis more easily done while the gut is still warm fromthe animal. Wash it <strong>and</strong> then scrape it with ablunt knife to remove slime <strong>and</strong> grease; then steepit in running water for a day or two, so as to loosenboth the Inner <strong>and</strong> outer membranes, which arethen removed by scraping. To turn the gut Insideout, double back a few Inches of one end, invertthis, take the bag thus formed between finger <strong>and</strong>thumb <strong>and</strong> dip water up into it till the double foldis nearly full, when the weight of the water willcause the gut to be<strong>com</strong>e Inverted. The fibrous innermembrane is then soaked three or four hoursin water to which wood ashes have been added. Itis then washed free from lye <strong>and</strong> can either be splitInto thin fibers when It has dried or may be twistedInto a bowstring or similar cord. To twist It,plant two stout stakes In the ground, a little widerapart than the length of the gut; make a saw-cutIn the top of each stake; cut two narrow, flatpieces of wood Into the shape of knife-blades, thinenough to enter the saw-cuts, <strong>and</strong> notch on'^ end

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