Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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314 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTa cloth continuation, leaving it open. Suspend thisbag from its bottom to a tree or pole. Bend a smallgreen stick into a hoop <strong>and</strong> place it within the bottomof the bag; under the mouth of the bag placea pan containing the smouldering wood (the clothmouth is to prevent the skin from heating). Inspectthe inside of the skins from time to time <strong>and</strong>when they are smoked to a deep yellow or lightbrown the process is finished ; sometimes both sidesfor a few days to season.of the skins are smoked ; otherwise, fold the skinswith the smoked side within <strong>and</strong> lay them awayThis sets the color, makingit permanent. The skins of antelope or any ofthe deer tribe are treated in the same way. Antelope,deer, moose, <strong>and</strong> caribou hides make goodbuckskin, but elk hides are <strong>com</strong>paratively weak<strong>and</strong> inferior material.Rawhide.—Rawhide is often useful in camp <strong>and</strong>is easily prepared. Soak the fresh hide in water,or in a weak lye made by adding wood ashes towater, until the hair will slip. The alkali is notnecessary for deerskins.Then remove the hair <strong>and</strong>stretch the hide with great force on a frame or onthe side of a building, extending it in all directionsas tightly as possible, so that when it dries it willbe as taut as a drumhead. Dry it in the shade. Useno salt or other preservative.This is all, unless you wish to make the rawhidesupple, in which case rub into it thoroughly a mixtureof equal parts of neat's foot oil <strong>and</strong> tallow,<strong>and</strong> work it thoroughly over the edge of a plank.Butter, lard, or any kind of animal grease will doas a substitute for the above mixture. Viscol,rubbed in, not only softens but waterproofs theskin.A convenient way of making a stretching framein the woods is to go where two trees grow at theright distance apart; notch them at the properheight to receive a strong, stiff sapling that has beencut to fit the notches, the deep cut of the latter

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