Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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•PELTS, BUCKSKIN, RAWHIDE 313every part be<strong>com</strong>es as pliable as chamois skin. Iftwo men are available they saw the hide back <strong>and</strong>forth over the sharpened edge of a plank or over ataut rope, lariat, or a tw^isted sinew as thick as one'sfinger. Large <strong>and</strong> refractory hides may be softenedby stretching them firmly on elevated frames <strong>and</strong>dancing on them. It is a hard job for one manto soften a large hide, but he can ac<strong>com</strong>plish itby throwing the wet skin over a convenient limb,forming a loop at the other end, passing a stoutstick through it, <strong>and</strong> t^visting into a hard knot—leaving it to dry; then he re-soaks it <strong>and</strong> repeatsthe operation as often as necessary. The oftenera skin is wet <strong>and</strong> softened, the more pliable itbe<strong>com</strong>es.Smoking the Skin.—^The final process is smoking,which closes the pores, toughens the skin, givesitthe desired color, <strong>and</strong> insures its drying soft aftera wetting. Ordinarily the skin is made its ownsmoke-house. A small hole is dug in the ground<strong>and</strong> a smudge started in it. The best smudge ismade from "dozed" wood, that is, from, w^ood affectedwith dry rot until it is spongy; this, whendried, gives out a pale blue smoke without flame.desired,If a particular shade of yellow or brown issome discrimmation must be used in selecting thefuel. Above all things, the smudge must not be allow^edto break out in flame, for heating wouldruin the skin. Several small poles are stuck aroundthe hole <strong>and</strong> the skin is wrapped around themsomewhat like a teepee cover, the edges being sewedor skewered together; it is best, w^hen practicable,to smoke two or more skins at once, so as to haveplent}' of room around <strong>and</strong> above the smudge. Whentwo skins of about equal size are ready, a goodway to smoke them is to baste their edges togetherloosely in the form of a bag, the outside of theskins forming the inside of the bag <strong>and</strong> the afterpart of the skins forming its bottom, the neck endbeing left open ; to the edges of the open end sew

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