Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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312 CAMPING AND WOODCRAf'TaThe hide is now turned over <strong>and</strong> fleshed with asharp knife, by removing all superfluous tissue <strong>and</strong>working the skin down to an even thickness throughout.This operation must be performed with extremecare or the buckskin will have thick <strong>and</strong> stiffspotsi which make it <strong>com</strong>paratively worthless—point to be considered in buying buckskin. Inolden times, when a squaw wanted to make somethingparticularly nice, she would patiently workdown a deerskin until it was almost as thin <strong>and</strong>pliable as a piece of cotton cloth. After cleaningin this manner the skin is allowed to dry <strong>and</strong> thenis re-soaked overnight.Softening the Skin.—Now <strong>com</strong>es the job ofstretching <strong>and</strong> softening the hide. There is onlyone recipe for this: elbow-grease <strong>and</strong> plenty of it.The skin is pulled, twisted, <strong>and</strong> worked in everydirection until it be<strong>com</strong>es white <strong>and</strong> soft, afterwhich the operator rubs into it the brains of theanimal, which have been removed by splitting theskull lengthwise half in two. Sometimes the brainsare first dissolved in tepid water, being allowed tosimmer over a slow fire while the lumps are rolledbetween the fingers till they form a paste whichwill dissolve more freely. This solution is thenrubbed into the hide on the hair side, which iscoarser than the flesh side. The brains act as asort of dubbing; if there is not likely to be enoughfor the job, the macerated liver of the animal isadded to the brains. Deer brains may be preservedby mixing them with moss so as to make themass adhere enough to be formed into a cake whichis hung by the fire to dry. Such a Cc^ke will keepfor years. When wanted for dressing a hide, itis dissolved in hot water <strong>and</strong> the moss is removed.A skin may be treated by soaking it in the solution,wringing out, drying <strong>and</strong> re-soaking till it isthoroughly penetrated. After this process the skinmust again be pulled, stretched, kneaded, <strong>and</strong> rubbed,until the fiber is thoroughly loosened <strong>and</strong>

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