Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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3IOCAMPING AND WOODCRAFTas by the Indians, for moccasins, leggings, huntingshirts, gun covers <strong>and</strong> numerous other purposes. Itis warmer than cloth, pliable as kid, noiseless againstbushes, proof against thorns, collects no burs, wearslike iron <strong>and</strong> its soft neutral color renders theweaier inconspicuous amid any surroundings. Whenof good quality it can be washed like a piece ofcloth.Its only fault is that It Is very unpleasant towear in wet weather; but against this is the considerationthat buckskin can be prepared in the wilderness,with no materials save those furnished on thespot by the forest, the stream, <strong>and</strong> the animal itself.Not even salt is used in its manufacture.Neither tannin, nor any substitute for it, has toucheda piece of buckskin; its fibers have been loosened<strong>and</strong> rendered permanently soft <strong>and</strong> flexible, itspores have been closed up, but there has been littleor no chemical change from the raw state of theskin <strong>and</strong> consequently it has no tendency to rot.Indian Tan.—Different Indian tribes have differentmethods of making buckskin, but the essentialprocesses are the same, namely : ( i ) soaking,(2) depilating <strong>and</strong> fleshing, (3) sti etching <strong>and</strong>treating with brains, with repeated soaking <strong>and</strong> drying,(4) smoking". The skin of a deer, for example,is first soaked in water for three to fivedays, depending upon temperature. Elk or buffalohides are immersed In a lye of wood ashes <strong>and</strong>water or rolled up in ashes moistened with warmwater. After soaking, the hide is taken to a graininglog, which is simply a piece of sapling or smalltree about 8 feet long <strong>and</strong> 6 or 8 inches thick atthe butt. The bark is removed from the thick end<strong>and</strong> the other end is stuck under a root or otherwisefastened In the ground at an angle, leaving thesmooth end about waist high, like a taimer's beam.Or, a short log may be used—one that will reach toa man's chin when stood on end ; in which case anotch is cut in the butt by which the stick is braced

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