Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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'304 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTlength of twine or thong on each side, so that allfour can be stretched or let out Independently. Thisis far better than to tack the skin up on a door orthe side of a barn, as it gives the air free accessto both sides. Set the frame in an airy, shadyplace, out of reach of dogs <strong>and</strong> "varmints."Another wayFii 183.— Bear skin stretchedto dryto stretch aslit-openskinis to lace it upinside a hoop.Lay the skinout flat. Geta rod of elasticwood longenoughtobend into ahoop that wnllgoaroundcleartheoutside of theskin, or, ifneed be, splicetwo or morerods togetherfor the purpose.Tie theskin to the hoop at opposite sides, then the otherway, <strong>and</strong> so on until all loose parts are taken up<strong>and</strong> the skin Is stretched tight as a drumhead.The skull of a hornless animal is easily preparedfor cleaning by simmering in water over the fire untilthe flesh begins to get tender (but beware ofover-boiling, lest the sutures of the skull open <strong>and</strong>the teeth <strong>com</strong>e loose) ; then remove the brain <strong>and</strong>scrapethe skull.Small Pelts.—Animals found frozen In thetraps should be thawed out gradually before skinning—neverby direct heat of the fire.The wolf, coyote, wolverine, raccoon, <strong>and</strong> badgerare skinned **ODen" <strong>and</strong> stretched scuare like a beaf

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