Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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KNOTS, HITCHES, LASHINGS 291mon slip knot like Fig. 135(start an overh<strong>and</strong> knot,a. Fig. 156, but instead of drawing the end bthrough, leave it inside a^ forming the upper loopc). Put the lower loop a down over the neck ofthe bottle with c over top of cork, draw taut, runthe free ends up over the cork <strong>and</strong> tie them alongsideof c.H<strong>and</strong>cuff Knot (Fig.157).—Make a slip knotlike the first part of Fig. 156, but return the endb back through the open knot so as to form a doubleloop or bow. Slip these loops over a man's wrists,draw taut,tie the loose ends firmly around the centralpart with a reef knot <strong>and</strong> you have him securedin a way that would baffle a "h<strong>and</strong>cuff king."A prisoner can be secured even with a piece of fishlineby tying his thumbs together behind his backwith thisknot.Never fasten a prisoner's single wrist to yourown: that would place him on equal terms. Ifhe protests that the cords hurt him, or feigns sickness,*Svatch w^ell lest you cure him too quickly "Ledger Lashing (Fig. 158).— A scaffold ledgeror other horizontal stick is lashed to a vertical timberin the way here shown.Putlog Lashing (Fig. 159).—^A putlog or othersquared timber may be roped to a horizontal polein the manner illustrated.Malay Hitch (Fig. 160).—This is a quick wayto fasten together wisps of grass, reeds, etc., formatting, or poles, planks, or other material for sidingof temporary quarters. The w^hole affair canbe shaken apart in a few moments leaving no knotsin the ropes.Paling Hitch (Fig.161).—Used by Indians ofthe olden time to set up the framework of theirhouses, rawhide ropes being employed, which wereput on wet <strong>and</strong> shrank very tight in drying. Withropes or vines, it can be used to secure small polesas palings to horizontal ones between posts, in makinga tight fence around camp.

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