Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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BARK UTENSILS 259a pin (with a splinter like a skewer, if you areusing bark;. In the same w^ay fold the cornersd <strong>and</strong> bj <strong>and</strong> pin them. The creases tio, pq, np, oq,now are folded inward, instead of outward as theywere originally. Here you have an open-top box5 inches square <strong>and</strong> 3^ inches deep, with perfectlytight joints, which will hold water so longas it does not seep through the pores of the paper(would hold it till it evaporated, if you had used,bark).Now, if you are skeptical about boiling water in abark kettle, suppose you try your paper one. Arrangea st<strong>and</strong> that will support it over a gas jet.Put the paper kettle on the st<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> pour somewater into it. Light the gas, raising the jet justhigh enough for it to play on the bottom of thevessel but not up the sides; for, mark you, if theilame touches the paper anywhere above the waterline,it will set the thing afire. Observing this precaution,you can boil water in the paper kettle quickerthan you could in tin.The reason that the paper isnot even scorched isthat the water inside instantly attracts the heat ofthe flame <strong>and</strong> absorbs it to itself. My partner,Bob, once told me he could take a boiling tea-kettlefrom the stove, put his naked h<strong>and</strong> on the bottom,<strong>and</strong> hold the thing out at arm's length. I smiled.He led the way to the kitchen, where an oldfashionedblack kettle of cast-iron was steaming ata hard boil, did as he had offered, <strong>and</strong> sustained noinjury whatever. Then I did it myself. The bottor-iof the kettle merely feels warm to the nakedh<strong>and</strong>. But the water must be boiling, not justsimmering. If one touches the vessel above thewater-line, he will get a severe burn.In making a bark kettle, the material must, ofcourse, be quite free from holes or cracks. In the caseof birch, select a sheet free from "eyes" <strong>and</strong> surfacecurls." Supple it by roasting gently over the f^re.

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