Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CABIN BUILDING 253fix a rack on which full-rigged fishing rods may bestood during the day (of course, you will unjointthem <strong>and</strong> take them in at night). This rack consistssimply of a small shelf for the butts, <strong>and</strong>, high upa narrow shelf with auger holes bored close to theedge <strong>and</strong> a narrow slot cut out from each holeto the edge for a rod tip to slip through.The first essential of good housekeeping is abroom. Tie together a round bundle of thin birch,willow, or other flexible twigs. Cut a broomstick,sharpen one end, <strong>and</strong> drive this pointed end into thecenter of the bunch—then it will hold fast.Some rainy day you can make a really first-classbroom from birch splints. Select a straight yellowbirch five inches in diameter <strong>and</strong> cut off a six-footlength. At about fourteen inches from the bip"end cut a ring around the bark about two incheswide. Peel off all the bark below that ring. Then,working w^ith a sharp jackknife, split small flatslivers from the butt end up to the bark ring. Continueuntil there is nothing left of the butt save asmall core at the top, <strong>and</strong> cut this off carefully.Then remove the bark above the ring <strong>and</strong> sliverthe wood down until there is only enough left foTa broom-h<strong>and</strong>le. Tie this last lot of slivers tightlydown over the others with a stout string. Trimoff the slivers evenly.Then whittle off the h<strong>and</strong>le,smooth it with glass, make a hole in its top <strong>and</strong> inserta hide loop to hang it up by. This is thefamous splint broom of our foremothers, as describedby Miss Earle in her Home Life in Colonial Days.Don't crowd the cabin with decorations or "conveniences"that will be in the way <strong>and</strong> serve chieflyto collect dust <strong>and</strong> cobwebs. Let each <strong>and</strong> everyarticle have a definite purpose, <strong>and</strong> show it by itsperfect adaptability. The simplest contrivancesgenerally are the best,

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