Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CABIN BUILDING 247cement, If possible, <strong>and</strong> use around the joints offireplace <strong>and</strong> hearth a mixture of one part cementto two of clean s<strong>and</strong>. Mix only a little at a time,as it soon sets. However, this may be deferred untilthe second season, by which time the chimney islikely to have settled <strong>and</strong> opened the joints here <strong>and</strong>there.Wherever there is limestone, enough lime for mortarcan be made without much trouble, by a processsimilar to that of burning charcoal. Enclosea circular space of 5 feet diameter by a rude stonewall 3 feet high ; cover the bottom of this enclosurewith brush to facilitate kindling the kiln; then fillwith alternate layers of dry hardwood <strong>and</strong> limestonebroken into moderate-sized pieces, piling thetop into conical form. Light the pile, <strong>and</strong> whenit is well going, cover the top with sods to makethe calcination slow <strong>and</strong> regular. Keep it goingfor two days <strong>and</strong> nights. Lime can also be madefrom mussel shells or oyster shells. Slake the limein a box some days before it is to be used, <strong>and</strong> coverwith s<strong>and</strong>.For mortar, work the lime into a paste with water<strong>and</strong> mix in with this, thoroughly, from 2 3^ to 3parts of s<strong>and</strong>. Thin with water until it mixeseasily.A pretty good substitute for mortar is blue clay(yellow will do) mixed intimately with wet s<strong>and</strong>.Another is a mixture of s<strong>and</strong>, salt, <strong>and</strong> wood ashes.When laying a chimney or wall, see that no joint<strong>com</strong>es over or close to another joint. If a rockdoes not fit, turn it over <strong>and</strong> try again.At the proper height in your fireplace (a little belowlevel of lintels) insert a stout steel rod horizontallyon which to hang wire pot-hooks whencooking. In place of <strong>and</strong>irons, select two rocksabout 15 x 5 x 5 inches, to support the "fire irons"for frying-pan, etc. (See Vol. I, p. 64.) Never

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