Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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TOMAHAWK SHELTERS 223The frame for a bark lean-to is like that in Fig. 57or Fig. 58. The roof is laid in courses, beginning atthe bottom, <strong>and</strong> overlapping like shingles. It is securedin place by weight-poles. The sheets of barkat the sides can be tied to stakes by using bark straps-Fig. 60.—Bark Lean-toor held in place by driving other slender stakes onthethe outside <strong>and</strong> tying them to the inner ones attop (Fig. 60). Such a camp w^ill last a wholeseason.A bark teepee is made by lashing the tops of threepoles loosely together, spreading them as a tripod,Fig. 61.— BeehiveLodge FrameFig. 62.—BeehiveLodge (covered)laying other poles against them with their buttsradiating in a circle, covering with bark as above,<strong>and</strong> holding it in place with other poles laid againstthe outside. A more <strong>com</strong>modious circular lodge(more head-room for its size) was formerly used bythe Algonquin tribes of the East. It was of beehiveshape (Figs. 61 <strong>and</strong> 62), <strong>and</strong> was covered with

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