Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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420 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTframe, the less material needed. Five feet to theridge is high enough for a "one-night st<strong>and</strong>."Any such bower is delightfully woodsy <strong>and</strong> sweetscented,but it is not good protection against longoi heavy rain. Of course, it lasts only so long asthe browse remains green.Bough Beds.—Balsam makes the best bed, as ithas thick, flat needles, soft <strong>and</strong> fragrant. Hemlockis next choice, then arborvitae (white cedar) <strong>and</strong>.spruce. Pine sprays are too scraggly. A bed ofboughs or leaves will spread from under one if notheld in place by something at the ends <strong>and</strong> sides;.so, if practicable, cut four logs <strong>and</strong> stake them in arectangle to keep the stuff in place. The fewerthick stems there are in your mattress, the easier you-will sleep ; but it takes a long time to make a browsebed of only the feathery tips; <strong>and</strong> you may be toohurried <strong>and</strong> weary.For the first course use branchlets from eighteeninches to two feet long. Begin at the head end,lay them against the log, butts down, bottom orconvex side up, <strong>and</strong> stick them in the ground withbutts slanting only a little to the front, to make thebed springy. Then shingle another row of the fansin front of these, <strong>and</strong> so on down to the foot, leavingonly the tips exposed. Then take smaller ones<strong>and</strong> stick them upright, tips inclined slightly to thehead, all over the bed, as thickly as time <strong>and</strong> materialwill allow. Such a bed is luxurious in proportionto its depth <strong>and</strong> freshness. If the browsewere merely laid flat on the ground it would packhard <strong>and</strong> lumpy, <strong>and</strong> the sticks would soon find yourribs. The bed should be renewed with fresh stuffevery two or three days.Balsam twigs should not be cut, but snapped off,Grasp the stem with two front fingers underneath,pointing toward the tip, <strong>and</strong> thumb on top, thenpress downward with the thumb <strong>and</strong> give a quicktwist of the wrist.Where there are no evergreens, collect small greenbranches of willow, cherry, alder, or any tree or

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