Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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TOMAHAWKCHAPTER XlirSHELTERS -AXEMEN'SCAMPS—CACHES—MASKED CAMPS"The simplest <strong>and</strong> most primitive of all camps isthe 'Indian camp/ It is easily <strong>and</strong> quickly made,is warm <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>fortable, <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>s a pretty heavyrain when properly put up. This is how it is made:Let us say you are out <strong>and</strong> have slightly missed yourway. The <strong>com</strong>ing gloom warns you that night isshutting down. You are no tenderfoot. You knowthat a place of rest is essential to health <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>fortthrough the long, cold, November night."You dive down the first little hollow until youstrike a rill of water, for water is a prime necessity.As you draw your hatchet you take in the wholesituation at a glance. The little stream is gurglingdownward in a half-choked frozen way. There is ahuge sodden hemlock lying across it. One clip ofthe hatchet shows it will peel. There is plenty oismaller timber st<strong>and</strong>ing around: long, slim poles,with a tuft of foliage on top. Five minutes sufficesto drop one of these, cut a twelve-foot pole from it^sharpen the pole at each end, jam one end into theground <strong>and</strong> the other into the rough bark of a scraggyhemlock, <strong>and</strong> there is your ridge pole. Now go=—with your hatchet— for the bushiest <strong>and</strong> mostpromising young hemlocks within reach. Drop them<strong>and</strong> draw them to camp rapidly."Next, you need a fire. There are fifty hard, resinouslimbs sticking up from the prone hemlock; lopoff a few of these, <strong>and</strong> split the largest into matchtimber; reduce the splinters to shavings, scrape thewet leaves from your prospective fire-place, <strong>and</strong>strike a match on the balloon part of your* trousers.If you are a woodsman you will strike but one. Feedthe fire slowly at first; it will gain fast. When youhave a blaze ten feet high, look at your watch. Itis 6 P. M. You don't want to turn in before 10o'clock, <strong>and</strong> you have four hours to kill before bedtime.Now, tackle the old hemlock, take off every215

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