Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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58 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTShelves <strong>and</strong> Wall Pockets.— To keep a tentfrom being littered with small articles that are alwaysin the way except when you want them <strong>and</strong>can't find them, shelves or wall pockets, or both, arewell-nigh indispensable. These may be purchasedready-made.The camp cupboard here illustrated (Fig. 30) hasfour shelves, each 10 x 30 inches, folds into a parcel4x10x30 inches, <strong>and</strong> weighs 7 pounds. Othersizes are manufactured.The wall pocket (Fig. 31) is 30 x 36 inches, <strong>and</strong>weighs 1 5^ pounds. Such things can easily be madeat home to suit individual requirements.Clothes Hangers.— There are various kinds oftent-pole hooks for suspending clothing, a lantern,<strong>and</strong> accoutrements. Such a contrivance is to beclamped to the rear upright, or to the center pole,depending on the kind of tent. Some are made ofleather or webbing so as to be adjustable to poles ofany size.In any tent with a ridge pole two screw-eyesshould be put in at opposite ends from which to suspendby cords a straight stick to hang clothes on.This is especially h<strong>and</strong>y for wet clothes on rainydays.Medical Kit.— About the best thing of this sort,for average campers who do not have to go verylight, is the " Household (B) " first aid box fittedup by the American National Red Cross, Washington,D. C. The case is of heavy tin, 10 x g]^ x 3^inches, white enameled inside <strong>and</strong> out, <strong>and</strong> containsrhe following articles:I 2-oz. bottle Alcohol, 1 2-dram vial Oil ofI 2-oz. bottle Aromatic Cloves.Spirits of Ammonia. i Bottle Soda Mint Tab-1 2-oz. bottle Syrup of lets.Ipecac. I Bottle Cascara SagradaI 2-oz. bottle Jamaica Tablets.Ginger. 2 Iodine Containers.1 2-oz. bottle Liniment, i Package A. R. C. Fin*1 2-dram vial Olive Oil. ger Dressings (6)

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