Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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AXEMANSHIP 201bench seat, if it will not spli^'^^ight : Score th^top of it with notches of unifSujlfegppth, like sawteeth, but as far apart as the ^uff *^li block offevenly; then chop out the bloc$s,^^aflH J^ smooth(along the dotted line A B in Fig. 40).^^"%^.When much hewing is to be done, a broadaxe oradze is used; but both of these tools are difficult<strong>and</strong> dangerous for an inexperienced man to h<strong>and</strong>l^i>^tiiiu <strong>and</strong> iiciLHcx neither ui of them Luciii will Win be oe oDiainaDie obtainable except wnei^ whe%. %^skilled'^''^—artisans can —---—--^5^be hired to wield them. •'./-^'"'-^-"^h^^^bi^BFig. 40.—Scoring <strong>and</strong> HewingSplitting Timber.—Logs split through the centerinto half-logs with one face flat are very usefulin cabins <strong>and</strong> about camp, for tables, benches,shelves, <strong>and</strong> other rustic furniture. They also areemployed in making slab camps, puncheons for flooring,<strong>and</strong> small enclosed cabins. In the latter case,split logs have certain advantages over round ones.They take only half as many trees, they are easierfor one or two men to h<strong>and</strong>le, easier to notch forthe corners, make close joints without much, if anychinking, <strong>and</strong> leave a flat surface for the interiorof the cabin. They may also be used vertically insteadof horizontally, <strong>and</strong> in this way short logs canbe utilized.The only implements needed in splitting logs arean axe (single-bitted) <strong>and</strong> a maul <strong>and</strong> some woodenwedges made with the axe. The maul is madein club shape (Fig. 41). Beech, oak <strong>and</strong> hickoryare good materials, but any hardwood that does notsplinter easily will do. Choose a sapling about fiveinches thick at the butt, not counting the bark. Diga little below the surface of the ground <strong>and</strong> cutthe sapling off where the stools of the roots begin.(The wood is very tough here, <strong>and</strong> this is to be usedfor the large end of the maul, which should be

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