Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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fdiameter of the log.AXEMANSHIP 193This will seem absurdly long,until you have struggled futilely to "nigger" a login two. Make two outside nicks, as in felling atree, split out the block between them, <strong>and</strong> so go on,making big chips, <strong>and</strong> cutting at a considerable angleto the grain of the wood instead of across it. Chopstraight down, so that when you get to the centerof the trunk the bottom of your kerf will be perpendicular(Fig. 39). Usually the trunk Is helda little off the ground by broken limbs on the underside of the top. If not, then, when you work closeto the ground, look out for pebbles (rather scrapethem away beforeh<strong>and</strong>). A nick in the axe willmake your w^ork doubly hard. Before felling a treeon stony ground it is well worth while to place asmall log across the way for the butt of the tree tofall on, so as to keep it off the ground.Speaking of nicks in the axe, beware of cuttinginto hemlock or balsam knots; in trimming limbsclose to such trees you can ruin the best steel thatever was made, for they are almost as hard as glassIf it must be done, strike gentle blows; hold thtaxe-head exactly perpendicular to the spot struck,<strong>and</strong> rigid, so it cannot glance in the least. The trickis similar to that of driving a bowie through asilver dollar without spoiling the knife's edge.Having cut one notch half through the trunk, goon to the next ones until the end piece is reached;then turn around <strong>and</strong> work back until all cuts havebeen severed.In working up crooked branches into firewoodlengths, have something solid under the spot to becut. If you don't, sometime a billet will fly up <strong>and</strong>hit you in the face. I have seen more than oneman who had lost an eye in that way.Sawing.—If there is a sharp <strong>and</strong> w^ell set crosscutsaw in the outfit, it makes the work of felling<strong>and</strong> logging a great deal easier. The veriest tvro

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