Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER XIIAXEMANSH IP—QUALITIESIZATION OF WOODAND UTIL-Next to the rifle, a backwoodsman's main relianceis on his axe. With these two instruments, <strong>and</strong>little else, our pioneers attacked the forest wildernessthat once covered all eastern America, <strong>and</strong> won it forcivilization.In the clearing <strong>and</strong> in lumber works the favoriteaxe is a double-bitt with 4^ to 5-pound head. Oneblade is ground thin <strong>and</strong> kept whetted keen, forchopping in clear timber. The other is left withmore bevel, as that is advantageous in splitting, <strong>and</strong>the edge, although sharp, is rather stunt, so that itwill not shiver against a knot, or nick badly whendriven through into the earth, as may happen whencutting through roots. A professional chopper, whoworks only at felling trees <strong>and</strong> cutting off *'lops"(the branching tops) will grind both blades thin.For him, too, the double-bitt is best, since most ofits weight is back in line with the cutting edge, <strong>and</strong>ro it bites deep, although driven with little force.The helve of such an axe, of course, is straight, <strong>and</strong>one bought at a store should be shaved considerablythinner on both sides; then it is not so clumsy, liesjn the h<strong>and</strong>s more <strong>com</strong>pactly, does not cramp thefingers <strong>and</strong> will not jar the h<strong>and</strong>s, as it has somespring.A double-bitted axe is dangerous in any but experth<strong>and</strong>s—more so than a loaded gun—<strong>and</strong> wouldbe a menace lying around in camp, for, even whenstuck in a tree or chopping-block, one edge is alwaysexposed. I have given elsewhere (Vol. I., pp.187

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