Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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1 86 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT—;It is hard on a fellow's nerves, I say, to hearthose dogs <strong>com</strong>ing toward him, <strong>and</strong> to know fromthe racket that a bear is certainly ahead of them, but7iot to know w^here or when the' brute may emerge,nor what infernal trees or thickets <strong>and</strong> downwoodmay be in the way. Can you hit him ? That is thqquestion. The honor of the camp is on your shoulders.Ah, me ! it is easy to follow the pack on horseback—tochase after something that is running away.But to sit here clenching your teeth while at anymoment a hard-pressed <strong>and</strong> angry bear may burstout of the thicket <strong>and</strong> find you in his way—noth^ing but you between him <strong>and</strong> near-by freedomgentlemen, it tests nerve!Buck ague is not the effect of fear. In fact, fearhas nothing to do with it. It is a tremor <strong>and</strong> a gallopingof the heart that <strong>com</strong>es from over-anxietylest you should fail to score. Precisely the sameseizure may <strong>com</strong>e upon you on the target range.That is the only place that I ever experienced it.There is no telling when it may strike. I haveknown seasoned sportsmen to be victimized by it.Yet, when the critical moment does <strong>com</strong>e, it oftenturns out that the man who has been shaking likea leaf from pent-up anxiety suddenly grows cold <strong>and</strong>steady as a rock. Especially is this apt to be thecase when a fighting beast <strong>com</strong>es suddenly in view.Instantly the man's primeval instincts are arousedhis fighting blood <strong>com</strong>es to the surface ; the spirit ofsome warrior ancestor (dead, maybe, these thous<strong>and</strong>years) possesses <strong>and</strong> sways your mild-eyed modernman, <strong>and</strong> he who trembled but a moment ago nowleaps into the <strong>com</strong>bat with a wild joy playing onhis heart strings.

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