Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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1 84 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT—siderable distance, call for no <strong>com</strong>ment, as they are<strong>com</strong>paratively easy, in good light, for anyone whohas been well trained on the rifle range at homeprovided he does not get "buck ague."For a broadside shot, the best point to aim at isimmediately behind the shoulder <strong>and</strong> only one-thirdof the way up from breast to withers—that is, wherethe heart lies. When the body is presented in anyother position, shoot, as a rule, at such a point thatthe bullet, in ranging forward, will pass through orclose to the heart. When an animal st<strong>and</strong>s lookingat me as a deer often will when it <strong>com</strong>es in on arunway <strong>and</strong> one bleats or whistles at it, my favoriteshot is the neck. A bullet passing through anyanimal's neck, near the center, is almost sure tostrike a paralyzing, knock-out blow, because it canscarcely miss a vital part.Aim low when shooting downhill, because thenyou see more of the upper side of the animal thanyou ordinarily would. A shot high up is seldomfatal, unless you hit the spine. In making longshots downhill, do not forget that the only distanceto be allowed for is that from the mark to a pointdirectly under you <strong>and</strong> level with the mark.Aim dead-on when shooting uphill, unless therange is greater than your rifle is sighted for on alevel. The extra allowance for "lift" is so triflingat ordinary ranges that you had better disregard itthan overdo the matter.Don't rely on "raining lead." The man who doeshis "darndest" with the first shot is the one who getsmost venison in the long run. But reload instantly,<strong>and</strong> be ready, if necessary, to follow up without hesitation.Shoot until the animal is down, or while itremains in view.If a deer is not hit, it goes off with its "flag"(white underside of tail) in the air. If hit, it mayor may not clap its tail down. When struck in therear half of the body (unless through the spine,which is a knock-out) it will likely kick out its hindlegs, <strong>and</strong> there is some long trailing ahead of you.

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