Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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i8oCAMPING AND WOODCRAFTdeer, but a mighty poor one beyond lOO yards, nomatter what kind of a rifle it is shot out of. Andso we might go on through the whole maze of ammunitionlists. But how to choose a cartridge?Well, here are two rules that will help a good deal:( 1 ) No cartridge is accurate be3^ond a verymoderate distance unless the bullet is at least3 calibers long for .25 caliber bullets,2^2 calibers long for .30 to .35 caliber bullets,2 calibers long for .40 to .45 caliber bullets,\y^ calibers long for .50 caliber bullets.(2) No bullet is accurate at high speed unlessit either is long <strong>and</strong> heavy or has fine lines forward,as one would say of a boat.Hunters' Maxims.—This is not an essay onhunting, but in trying to give an idea of how marksmanshipin the woods differs from marksmanship onthe range, it may help a beginner to underst<strong>and</strong> justwhat is meant if I first state certain maxims of thestill-hunter's craft:(i) Hunt one kind of animal at a time, <strong>and</strong>think of //.(2) Know its strong points <strong>and</strong> its weak ones.(3) Know where to hunt <strong>and</strong> where not to.(4) Choose favorable ground.(5) Consider the animal's daily habits.(6) Know just what to look for.(7) Maneuver according to a definite plan.(8) Work against the wind, or across it.(9) Move noiselessly <strong>and</strong> reconnoiter carefully.(10) Try to see the game before it sees you.(11) Keep cool.(12) Never fire at anything until you are absolutelycertain it is not a human being.(13) Never fire a shot that is not the best you canpossibly do.(14) After firing, reload instantly.(15) If you wound an animal, don't follow immediatelyupon its track, unless you are sure It Isshot through the heart.(16) Be patient over ill-luck, <strong>and</strong> keep on trying.

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