Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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178 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT''From this table, with the sights adjusted correctlyfor 200 yards <strong>and</strong> using the service ammunition,we can arrive at the following facts: Supposeone has not time to think of estimating the exactrange, or has not the talent to do so.But he thinkshis quarry is about 200 yards off. He fires. If thegame was at 100 yards the greatest error he needexpect is a hit 2.8 inches above the point aimed at.If the game was exactly at 200 yards then only theerror of the rifle <strong>and</strong> ammunition need be countedon which is 1.6 inches either above or below. Ifagain the game was at 225 yards the greatest deviationwould be a hit 3.82 inches below the pointaimed at. In other words, with the sights thus adjustedone would be sure to hit within the vital 8-inch disk at all ranges up to 225 yards, providedalways of course that his sights were correctlyaligned at the center of the disk at the instant ofdischarge. At no point during its flight, would thetrajectory <strong>and</strong> the accuracy error, together, carry thebullet over three inches above the line of aim, <strong>and</strong>at 225 yards it would hit but 3.82 inches low.Should the range be over 225 yards, the visual anglesubtended by the game, that is its appearance, willbe so small that the hunter will not risk a snap shotbut will instinctively proceed to take all those precautionsnecessary for a long range shot including acareful estimate of the range <strong>and</strong> wind direction <strong>and</strong>velocity <strong>and</strong> an accurate setting of the sights forthose estimates.''Thus, for all around work in hunting with theSpringfield rifle, using the service cartridge, in orderto attain the highest eflSciency <strong>and</strong> the greatest chancefor a properly placed hit, we should use three adjustmentsof the rear sight, as follows:For small game at close range40 yardsFor apparently easy shots at large game 200 yardsFor apparently hard, long shots at anygameThe estimated range."The "vital 8-inch disk" refers to an expression Iused in the book Guns, Ammunition, <strong>and</strong> Tackle \

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