Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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;MARKSMANSHIP IN THE WOODS 175makes a marksman. Without it, the keenest eye <strong>and</strong>the steadiest nerve are of no avail. I have associatedintimately with expert riflemen for half a lifetime,<strong>and</strong> I know that every one of them w^ould tell youthat there ''is no such animal" as a born marksman.There never was. If frontiersmen generally aregood shots it is simply because they have had plentyof practice from their youth up. Some have naturaladvantages over others, to be sure, but nothing w^illtake the place of training. It is like writing, forinstance : anybody of average sense can learn to writecorrectly, many can write entertainingly, a few havegenius <strong>and</strong> may be<strong>com</strong>e immortal—but no geniuswho ever lived has turned out first-class work at thefirst trial: he had to practice, practice, practice!There is no room here to discuss the topic ofhunting rifles. Get the best that you can, of coursebut do not w^orship it. Bear in mind that, whateverits trajectory <strong>and</strong> smashing quality, it is only a gun,<strong>and</strong> can kill nothing that you miss with it. Whenyou get into the real wilderness far away from richmen's preserves <strong>and</strong> summer hotels; you will findthere some mighty hunters who make mighty killswith guns that would bring only the price of scrapironin New York.Get sights that you can see, <strong>and</strong> such as you arenot likely to overshoot with when taking quick aim.1'ake pains to get what suits your eyes, <strong>and</strong> spareno time in the adjustment. Never take an untriedgun into the woods. That is no place to align sights<strong>and</strong> test elevations. Never trust the sights as theyare placed on the gun at the factory. Test them notonly from rest, but offh<strong>and</strong>, too; for a light riflecharged with high-power ammunition is likely toshoot several inches higher (or in some other direction)when fired from muzzle-<strong>and</strong>-elbow rest, thanit does when shot oiEfh<strong>and</strong>, albeit it may be an accuratew^eapon when rightly used.Sight Adjustment.—Now, as for adjusting theelevation—a most important matter—first, by aUTTcans, find the **point-blank" of your weapon by^fl.rrii;if te9,iy If vnur rlenler a

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