Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CONCENTRATED FOODS 15/that "It is Indian corn parched in the hot ashes, theashes being sifted from it; it is afterwards beatento powder <strong>and</strong> put into a long leatherne bag trussedat the Indian's backe like a knapsacke, out of whichthey take three spoonsful a day." Roger Williams,the founder of Rhode Isl<strong>and</strong>, said that a spoonfulof nocake mixed with water made him "many agood meal." Roger did not affirm, however, that itmade him a square meal, nor did he mention thesize of his spoon.In Virginia this preparation was known by anotherIndian name, "rockahominy" (which is not, as oufdictionaries assume, a sjmonym for plain hominy,but a quite different thing). That most entertainingof our early <strong>woodcraft</strong>smen. Colonel Byrdof Westover, who ran the dividing line betweenVirginia <strong>and</strong> North Carolina in 1728-29, speaks of itas follows:"Rockahominy is nothing but Indian corn parchedwithout burning, <strong>and</strong> reduced to Powder. The Firedrives out all the Watery Parts of the Corn, leavingthe Strength of it behind, <strong>and</strong> this being very dry,be<strong>com</strong>es much lighter for carriage <strong>and</strong> less liable tobe Spoilt by the Moist Air. Thus half a DozenPounds of this Sprightful Bread will sustain a Manfor as many Months, provided he husb<strong>and</strong> it well,<strong>and</strong> always spare it when he meets with Venison,which, as I said before, may be Safely eaten withoutany Bread at all. By what I have said, a Man needsnot encumber himself with more .than 8 or 10 Poundsof Provision, tho' he continue half a year in theWoods. These <strong>and</strong> his Gun will support him verywell during the time, without the least danger ofkeeping one Single Fast."The Moravian missionary Heckewelder, in hisHistory^ Mariners <strong>and</strong> Customs of the IndianNations Jdescribes how the Lenni Lenape, or Delawares,prepared <strong>and</strong> used this emergency food:"Their Psindamooan or Tassmanane, as they call it,is the most nourishing <strong>and</strong> durable food made out ofthe Indian corn. The blue sweetish kind is the grainwhich they prefer for that purpose. They parch itin c^an hot ashes, until it bursts;, it is then sifted

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