Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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:142 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTa misadjustment of strain that would soon wearout even a native mountaineer. The latter walksuphill with a woodsman's gait, planting the wholefoot on the ground, <strong>and</strong> swinging or rolling thehip at each stride, thus not onlv gaining an inch ortwo in his pace, but distributing the strain betweenseveral groups of muscles. When going downhill,bend the knees considerably so that the leg forms asprmg to l<strong>and</strong> on at each stride.In Dent's iVlountaineering are given some usefulhints to climbers that I take the liberty of condensinghereIIn walking up a steep hilt, go slowly <strong>and</strong> steadily.If you cannot talk v^tho-ut catching your breath, itis a sure sign that you are going too fast.If you slip on a loose stone, do not try to recoveryour lost ground quickly, but slip away until yourfoot is checked a few inches below. Thus keep upthe rhythm of your footfall.On an average mountain, where the slope is tolerablyuniform, <strong>and</strong> the climber has no long journeybefore him, an ascent of 1,000 ft. in an hour is quickwalking. In beginning a long cHmb, 800 ft. of verticalascent in an hour is good work. On a goodtrail, for a moderate distance, 1,500 ft. an hour isquick walking. Under favorable conditions a goodclimber can ascend from a height of 7.000 ft. to14,000 ft. in seven hours; at greater altitudes the pacewill slacken.In descending a mountain, the pace, however slow,should be continuous. To remain stationary, evenfor a moment, not only necessitates a fresh start, butdem<strong>and</strong>s an adjustment of balance which implies anunnecessary outlay of muscular effort. To descendrapidly <strong>and</strong> safely without exertion, a certain loosenessof joints should be cultivated. On a steep slopeone should descend sideways, so that the wholplength of the foot can be planted fairly on any holdthat offers.A man will never sprain his ankle when he expectsto do so at any moment, nor will he be likely to slipif he is always prepared to fall.A Hunter's Pack.—Returning to the subjectof outfitting: I have, so far, considered only summertravel afoot. There are many who go out in the

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