Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER IXHOW TO WALK—A HUNTER'S PACK-GOING ALONEIn walking through a primitive forest,an Indianor a white woodsman can wear out a town-bredathlete, although the latter may be the stronger man.This is because a man who is used to the woods hasa knack of walking over uneven <strong>and</strong> slippery ground,edging through thickets, <strong>and</strong> worming his way amidfallen timber, with less fret <strong>and</strong> exertion than onewho is accustomed to smooth, unobstructed paths.How TO Walk.—^There is somewhat the samedifference between a townsman's <strong>and</strong> a woodsman^'^gait as there is between a soldier's <strong>and</strong> a sailor's.It it chiefly a difference of hip action, looseness ofjoints, <strong>and</strong> the manner of planting one's feet. Thetownsman's stride is an up-<strong>and</strong>-down knee action,with rather rigid hips, the toes pointing outward,<strong>and</strong> heels striking first. The carriage is erect, themovement springy <strong>and</strong> graceful, so long as one iswalking over firm, level footing—but beware thebanana-peel <strong>and</strong> the small boy's sliding-place ! Thisis an ill-poised gait, because one's weight falls firstupon the heel alone, <strong>and</strong> at that instant the walkerhas little <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of his balance. It is an exhaustinggait as soon as its normally short pace islengthened by so much as an inch.A woodsman, on the contrary, walks with a rollingmotion, his hips swaying an inch or more to thestepping side, <strong>and</strong> his pace is correspondingly long.This hip action may be noticed to an exaggerateddegree in the stride of a professional pedestrian ; butthe latter walks with a heel-<strong>and</strong>-toe step, whereas

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