Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PACKS FOR PEDESTRIANS 121than that of a roomy pack-sack. True, the clothcan be used as a ground sheet under the blanket atnight, but that is not needed if one has a sleepingbag,or a browse-bag (<strong>and</strong> rubber cape to go overit when things are wet) which weighs but a pound<strong>and</strong> makes a far better bed. Pack cloths are madefiom 5 X 6 to 6 X 7 feet, which is too small for ashelter cloth. Another disadvantage is that wheneveryou want to get at anything in the pack, thewhole thing must be undone <strong>and</strong> repacked.The tump or head-b<strong>and</strong> is a good addition notonly to a pack harness but to almost any other kindof pack used for carrying heavy weights. Generallyit wnll not be used until the shoulders tire; thenit relieves the strain. It is an advantage in climbingsteep hillsides. When fording a swift stream,crossing on a foot-log or fallen tree, going overv/indfalls, crossing ice, or passing other dangerousplaces, the shoulder straps may be dropped, the headstrapalone being emplo3Td ; then, if you slip or getoverbalanced, the load can be cast off instantly bythrowing back the head, <strong>and</strong> you save your bonesor possibly your life. When the tump is not in use,drop it down over the chest.Military Knapsacks.—In most Europeanarmies the infantry carry small knapsacks made ofleather, stiffened with a framework of wood or bamboo,or reinforced at the sides to give a certainrigidity. Inside the knapsack are stowed spare undervvear,fatigue shoes (if any), a reserve ration,spare ammunition, <strong>and</strong> various small articles. • Theblanket, or overcoat, is rolled tightly in a shelterhalf <strong>and</strong> strapped around the top <strong>and</strong> sides, <strong>and</strong> amess kettle generally is strapped on the outside. Insome models, as the German, the interior is dividedinto <strong>com</strong>partments to separate <strong>and</strong> protect the differentarticles <strong>and</strong> to assure a constant distributionof the weight.A military knapsack is too small for campers, itIS much too heavy for its size, <strong>and</strong> it obliges thewearer to carry most of his outfit outside, attached

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