Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ROUTE SKETCHING 87Paces of Animals.—The paces of saddle animalsvary according to individuals, but can soon be determinedby test. This should be done both at walk <strong>and</strong>trot, counting only the double pace, like that of aman, when walking, or the rise when trotting. Thepace of a horse is as uniform as that of a man. Amule's gait is still steadier <strong>and</strong> the stride is moreeven.Distance by Sound.—In mapping a considerableterritory in the mountains, where pacing isunreliable <strong>and</strong> may be impracticable, two men canwork to advantage if one carries a gun or pistol <strong>and</strong>the other a stop-watch. For example, you wish toknow the distance from camp to a certain peak.The man with the gun climbs the peak, <strong>and</strong> fires ashot when he gets there, to call his <strong>com</strong>rade's attention.Then he ties his neckerchief on a stick, <strong>and</strong>,stepping out in plain view, signals with the extemporizedflag, <strong>and</strong> fires at the same Instant. Theman in camp times, with his stop-watch, the intervalbetween signal <strong>and</strong> arrival of the gun's report.Sound travels, in quiet open air, approximately atthe following rates, according to temperature:VELOCITY OF SOUNDAt— 30° Fahr., 1030 ft. per sefc.=l mile in 5.13 sees." 20° " 1040=1 " 5.08 ""10° " 1050:=1 " 5.03 "0°"" 1060=1 " 4.98 "10° "" ""1070=1 4.9320° "" ""1080=1 4.8832° "" ""1092=1 4.8340° "" ""1100=1 4.80''50° " ""1110=1 4.7860° "" ""1120=1 4.7370° "•' ""1130=1 4.6880° "" ""1140=1 4.63— 90° "" ""1150=1 4.59—100°"" ""1160^1 4.55—110°"" ""1170=1 4.51—120°"" ""1180=1 4.47When the air is calm, fog or rain does not appreciablyaffect the result ;wind does, of course. The

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