Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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USE OF THE COMPASS 73of south. At present the agonic line runs fromMackinac Isl<strong>and</strong>, in Lake Michigan, loops west <strong>and</strong>then diagonally through eastern Michigan to centralOhio, makes a big loop north toward Lake Erie <strong>and</strong>back, south to the Ohio River, makes two big loopseast <strong>and</strong> west in eastern Kentucky, runs souththrough western Virginia, loops west in easternTennessee <strong>and</strong> then far back east, goes down throughwestern North Carolina, loops east again, <strong>and</strong> thenruns diagonally down through Georgia <strong>and</strong> out intothe Atlantic. This line is not stationary, but hasa slow movement westward called the ''annualchange." Nobody knows the cause of these vagaries:magnetic variation is a mystery as yet unsolved.Now note this: at all places east of the agonic linethe north end of a <strong>com</strong>pass needle points to the westof true north (more <strong>and</strong> more as the distance increases),<strong>and</strong> everywhere west of this line it pointseasterly.For instance, at New York City the <strong>com</strong>pass nowpoints io°W; at Eastport, Me., 20°W; at Lincoln,Neb., io°E; at Helena, Mont., 20°E. This"declination" or "variation of the <strong>com</strong>pass" must beallowed tor when running a true course, or whenplotting one by map.A line passing through all places that show thesame <strong>com</strong>pass variation is called a "line of equalmagnetic variation." Such lines do not by any meansrun straight like meridians, but are wavy <strong>and</strong> looped<strong>and</strong> run off at strange angles, like the agonic line,though none of them correspond to its me<strong>and</strong>ers;<strong>and</strong> they, too, shift slowly westward from year toyear.Now for the practical application. Suppose youare on the line of magnetic variation that runsthrough Ogden, Utah, where the declination Isi8E°. To find true north, you set your <strong>com</strong>passso that the needle points i8°E, as In Fig. 10. Thenthe N mark on the dial points due north.To lay out a course by map ; spread the sheet out

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