Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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NATURE'S GUIDE-POSTS 59ent from childhood upon close observation of theirenvironment; but observation urged b}^ entirely differentmotives from those of our naturalists, <strong>and</strong>directed toward different ends, would inevitably acquirea w^oodl<strong>and</strong> lore different from ours, but quiteas thorough in its own way. That they should developkeen perceptive faculties is no more remarkablethan that a carpenter should hit a nail instead ofthe thumb that steadies it. That they should notice<strong>and</strong> study signs that no modern hunter or scientistM^ould bother his head about is a matter of course.Unquestionably we have lost many arts of wildcraftthat were daily practised by our ancestors of thestone age, just as we have lost their acquaintancewith the habits of animals now extinct. Probablyno white man of the future will ever equal JimBridger as a trailer; <strong>and</strong> it is but natural to supposethat Bridger himself had superiors among thesavages from whom he learned his craft. It is asuperficial judgment to rate as an old-wives' taleevery story of exploits in the past that we cannot atpresent duplicate. However, we need not go tonovelists to find out how such things were done.There is much pleasure to be gained in seeking torecover some of the lost arts of a primitive age ; <strong>and</strong>,I believe, some profit as well.But facts such as I have cited regarding the <strong>com</strong>pass-signsof the woods are of practical value onlyto men who spend much of their time in the forest,lely wholly on themselves as guides, seldom or neveruse instruments, <strong>and</strong> so have their perceptive facilitiessharpened bevond any keenness that averagesportsmen are likely to acquire. Carry a <strong>com</strong>pass.

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