Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER inPATHFINDINGI never knew a native of the wilderness who useda <strong>com</strong>pass to guide him. The born backwoodsmanrehes upon the sun <strong>and</strong> stars, the direction of thewind, the courses of streams, prominent l<strong>and</strong>marks,<strong>and</strong> other natural signs of direction. That kind ofpathfinding will be discussed later. It is essentialin the education even of an amateur woodsman thathe should learn to steer a course, over averageground <strong>and</strong> under ordinary conditions, without recourseto map or <strong>com</strong>pass ; for one can't be potteringover them when hunting or doing anything else ofabsorbing interest. Yet he should never be withoutthem in the field; in emergencies they are simplyinvaluable.On a windless, cloudy day, when boring throughnew country, especially if it be heavily timbered, itis quite too easy to lose one's bearings if the <strong>com</strong>passhas been left behind. In thick fog or fast-fallingsnow, the best of men may go astray for lack of thefaithful needle. Make it a rule, then, an Iron rule,of wilderness life, never to leave your bed in themorning without <strong>com</strong>pass, jackknife, <strong>and</strong> waterproofmatchbox filled (fill it, as a matter of habit, everytime you wind your watch). A small section ofmap showing the principal features of the countryround about is another mighty good thing to havealways on your person, no matter how you may bedressed for the day or what you may be intendingto do. There is no telling when you may be calledoff on the keen jump, nor whither you may have togo.37

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