Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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34 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTright material, which must be soft, non-resinouswood, thoroughly seasoned, brash, but not the leastpunky. In most situations it would be accidentalif a lost man should find such wood. As a matterof fact, savages carry their fire-sticks with them, aswe do matches.Next Morning.—A night's rest, even thoughfitful, will have cleared your mind a good deal. Bythis time you probably will iiave a definite theoryof location,based upon what you know of the relationof the camp site to the surrounding country,<strong>and</strong> the general course of your w<strong>and</strong>erings. Andyou will feel much better at having a whole day ofsunlight ahead of you.The first effort will be to get an outlook over thesurrounding country. In the hills this is easy, butin a level country heavily timbered it is difficult.If you are a good climber, pick out a tall tree <strong>and</strong>go up as high as you can get. Where the trunksare too thick for climbing, select a big tree that hasa slender one growing beside it from which you canclamber into the lower limbs of the old one. Butdon't risk a broken limb of your own—that mightbe fatal.Having gained your outlook, note the <strong>com</strong>passdirection of watercourses <strong>and</strong> other l<strong>and</strong>marks, mappingthem on a piece of paper; for a lost man'smemory is treacherous. The courses of smallstreams show where the main valley lies. Look forsmoke. Your <strong>com</strong>rades will have raised one, if therebe a woodsman among them.Now decide whether to try to reach camp or to"break out" to a known road or settlement. If stiD<strong>com</strong>pletely bewildered, then there is but one thingto do: work down country, either along a stream ora divide. If you do this, even in a remote district,it cannot be more than a few days until you reachhabitations of men. In the meantime you may suffer,but you certainly need not starve nor freeze. liyou have no one definite objective, but are merely

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