Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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40 CAJViriiNG AND VVUUUUKAl'^r•Stove-pipe Hole.^-A simple tin protector forthis opening is an annoyance at night, for it scrapes<strong>and</strong> skreeks when the canvas slats in the wind.Tent-makers supply pipe shields of asbestos that arequite safe, noiseless, <strong>and</strong> roll up nicely with the tentwhen it is stored or en route. Aflap covers the opening when nostove is in use (Fig. 6).Tent Poles <strong>and</strong> Pins.—Poles should be of ash, white pine,or spruce, straight-grained <strong>and</strong>free from defects. At each endthere should be a galvanized iro»*,. b<strong>and</strong> to keep the pole from split-,Fig. 6.— AsbestosPipe Guard ^^"g-^, ., /A wall tent requires stakes (unlessa frame is built for the guys) about two feetlong, <strong>and</strong> becket pins about sixteen inches. Shorterones will not hold in loose or s<strong>and</strong>y soil. Woodenones do very wtW for stationary camps.Care of Tents.— Never except when unavoidableshould a tent be rolled up when wet. Even ifit be only damp from dew, an unprocessed tent willsoon mildew if packed away in that state. Theparts that require most drying are where the materialis doubled, as at the seams <strong>and</strong> along theedges: the bottom edge especially, <strong>and</strong> the sod-cloth,are sure to rot if not thoroughly dried before stowingaway.To protect the tent in transport, it should becarried in a stout bag; otherwise it is likely to bepunctured.Tent pins are to be carried in a bag of their own,not only to save them from being lost, but also becausetheir inevitable dampness when camp is struckwould rot the tent if they were rolled up with it.To Mend a Tear in Canvas.— Cross-stitchit flat, using a sail needle <strong>and</strong> twine, <strong>and</strong> taking anarrow hold on each side with one stitch, then awider hold with the next one, <strong>and</strong> so on alternately.

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