Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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24 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTleads him back into the woods. Not long afterwardhe reaches the river again at Z, <strong>and</strong>, after hallooing<strong>and</strong> firing a shot or two, but getting no answer, hehurries on down-stream, thinking that the boat gotahead of him while he was making his detour. Theboat, meanwhile, has been rounding a great ox-bowcurve, <strong>and</strong> may be a couple of miles behind the manashore.In each of these examples the country isassumedto be fairly easy to traverse, <strong>and</strong> in each case themisadventure might have been avoided by a littleforethought. A bush bent over, here <strong>and</strong> there, ablaze on a tree where the underbrush was dense,would have saved all that. Without such precautions,there are places where a man can get badlymuddled in a forty-acre tract. This is no exaggeration.One of my <strong>com</strong>panions once was lost fromearly morning until after nightfall in a thirty-acrepatch of blue cane. He struggled until almost <strong>com</strong>pletelyexhausted, <strong>and</strong> when we found him he lookedlike a scarecrow. At no time had he been half amile from the cabin.Thickets.—A canebrake is bad enough, but it isnot so bad as those great tracts of rhododendronwhich, in the region between Thunderhead <strong>and</strong>the Balsam Mountains (Tennessee <strong>and</strong> North Caro*lina) cover mile after mile of steep mountainsidewhere few men have ever been. The natives call suchwastes "laurel slicks," "woolly heads," "lettuce beds,""yaller patches," <strong>and</strong> "hells." The rhododendron isworse than laurel, because it is more stunted <strong>and</strong>grows much more densely, so that it is quite impossibleto make a way through it without cutting, foot byfoot ; <strong>and</strong> the wood is very tough. Two powerfulmountaineers starting from the Tennessee side tocross the Smokies were misdirected <strong>and</strong> proceeded upthe slope of the Devil's Court House, just east ofThunderhead. They were two days in making the ascent,a matter of three or four miles, notwithst<strong>and</strong>ingthat they could see out all the time <strong>and</strong> pursued the

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